Self-Portrait #8 (continuing to evolve as a painter)
%637 %UTC, %2019, %0:%Aug %ZThe Mirror Portraits
Self-Portrait #8, ©BrendaClews 2019, 18"x24", oil on canvas sheet.
My 8th self-portrait for the Sunday Self Portrait group on Facebook (they gave it lots of likes but not one comment). On a green underpainting, I painted the figure directly, shaping the face without a drawing. The paint is applied thickly from a left-over palette from a commission. Pulled straps down to see the bone structure - those clavicles - I never go around like this! I look a decade older but don't care. I didn't work on the eyes, nose or mouth with a fine brush like I normally do. Everything's done with thick scrubby brushes. My portrait painting is continuing to evolve and that makes me happy.
Brenda Clews