
The Falling Room Ends

I'm so sad! I hope Joe Halder develops another venue for the minimalist and avante guard music he filled The Falling Room with. The Falling Room introduced me to many artists. I found his perceptions often so brilliant, and his taste in music echoed my own. Far out, funky, strange, moving, so many ways of describing it, and then the spoken word/acoustic artists, wow, his show was an example of transgenre music!

I deeply appreciate his support of my poetry and music productions, and wish him the best in all his endeavours.

Here is a show, Female Acoustic Artists, from The Falling Room:

From Joe (on March 25, 2012):

Hello all,

I wish to inform you that The Falling Room has come to an end and will no longer be broadcasting from CFBU 103.7FM.

It is time to say goodbye and to move on to different projects and other ideas.

Unfortunately, with the onset of new projects and other opportunities I no longer have the time to devote to the program.

My intention was to finish the currently 12 programs I have in pre-production and end The Falling Room in June 2012, but sadly I do not have the time to finish those programs and produce them for broadcast.

During its existence The Falling Room broadcast 113 shows and introduced over 140 independent artists to the acoustic art community.

You need to know that your art, has been heard in China, Poland, France, USA, Italy, England, Ireland, Russia, Finland and Australia via the internet download site and the distribution of copies of the show over the last 2 years.

I am extremely grateful to the artists who have supported the show and so readily have allowed me to broadcast their material to the community.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors; you are a very talented group of people.

My special thanks to those artists who demonstrated consistent support for the program over the last 2 years, they are;

Michael Chocholak
Brenda Clews
Mickey Zero
William Schaeffer
Richard Dunlap
Mickey Zero
Cometa (Angelo Secondini)
Dr. Memory (Marlon Kempman)

As to the future? I am not sure. I am sure that my passion for your music and art remains strong to give up on it completely. (another program, in 6 months via the internet titled “The Labyrinth”?) who knows, what I do know is that now, its time for a rest and other things.

Again, much thanks and best wishes to all.
Joe (aka Halder)


The Falling Room - Nov 18th show

Halder offers these downloads of his radio show, The Falling Room, every week, and I really enjoy them during long night walks. Sharing, and not just because I'm in this one (it was a surprise this morning):

The Falling Room – November 18, 2011

This week’s show starts with three world fusion pieces; Lumin’s work “Lumin” and two compositions from Irfan titled “Salome” and “Monsalvato”.

Next is a well known Canadian artist to The Falling Room, The Violence and the Sacred, with their 1987 highly experimental piece “The Rivers of my Viscous Sperm” from the Lost Horizons CD. Another Canadian artist follows, Reinhard Von Berg with “Cult Figure” which completes the first half hour of the program.

The next half hour of The Falling Room continues with poet/artist Brenda Clews, with “What is Underground Is What Holds Us” from her Starfire album and Tetrix with “Imagination”.

I end the show with two tracks from the Polish artist Sulatus, from his new Tip album I present “Poland’s Sky” and “Not Sure”.

You can download the November 18, 2011 TFR here.

Please feel free to share the program with other artists or interested listeners.

Thank you for listening.
Joe (aka Halder)
Host and Produce of the Canadian Experimental Music Radio Program - THE FALLING ROOM
Broadcast live on Fridays at 8PM and repeated Tuesdays at Midnight on 103.7FM CFBU Radio

Joe has played a number of poems from my Starfire album, here is the one he played last Friday (in case you don't want to download the whole hour, I wasn't sure - this player is easy to embed).

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The Falling Room, June24th Show

Delighted Joe Halder included a poem of mine, Drumbeat, in his show, 'The Falling Room,' which aired on CFBU 103.7FM on June 24, 2011. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole hour long show, an interesting blend of musicians, each quite amazing in their own right. The show is available for download here: FallingRoom

The Mysterious Poufs (independent), Brenda Clews (independent Canadian Acoustic Artist/Poet), Rain Tree Crow (former members of 1980’s group Japan), Kraftwerk (everyone knows Kraftwerk), Hypnotech 3 (Canadian Soundscape/Ambient group) and Alvin Lucier (acoustic artist).
The Falling Room - The Falling Room -Most Recent Shows

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The Falling Room - Female 'Spoken Word' Artists

direct link: The Falling Room - Female Acoustic Artists, a one hour show (free streaming and download)

"In this session" of his show, The Falling Room, Halder says: "we are recognizing the contributions of, and paying tribute to, female artists who have created rich environments in the avant guarde and experimental music community."

This is a powerful collection of female acoustic artists. One of my favourite shows of The Falling Room, and of course I'm honoured to be included. The playlist:
Brenda Clews, from Aural Pleasure, 'Meridians of Culture.'
Misha Nogha, an internet release, 'Kashira.'
The Golden Palominos, from Dead Inside, 'The Ambitions Are.'
Laurie Anderson, from Bright Red, 'Bright Red.'
Vonn New, an internet release, 'Otherland.'
Tanakh, from Villa Claustrophobia, 'In Every Villa.'
Elaine May Boyling, an internet release, 'Wish House.'
Space Cat Robot, an internet release, 'Space Cat Robot Suite.'
Lee Ellen Shoemaker, an internet release, 'Ojibway.'
Alice Ping Yee Ho, from Ming, 'Forest Rain.'
This episode of Joe Halder's public radio show, 'The Falling Room,' aired on CFBU 103.7FM on May 28, 2010. His show features experimental, minimalist and avant garde music from independent artists.

Joe Halder strikes me as a perceptive, brilliant guy. From our small correspondence, I understand he engages in conversations with the artists he airs; knowledgeable and inspiring, he has the ability to potentially shape a vision of the independent music he plays.

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Joe Halder's 'The Falling Room' on CFBU 103.7FM

This episode of Joe Halder’s ‘The Falling Room’ on CFBU 103.7FM aired on February 5, 2010. Brock U/public radio: It's an hour.

I found the pieces Halder collected and wove into a radio show inspiring, enthralling and just plain wonderful to listen to (though I have to admit the first piece was my least favourite - keep listening, some jewels to come). A short piece I recorded back in 2005 (1½min) is included.

His show features experimental, minimalist and avant garde music from independent artists. He came across my work at SoundClick. From our little bit of correspondence, he strikes me as a perceptive, brilliant guy. He engages in conversations with the artists he airs; quite young, my bet is that he will shape some of the independent music he plays. Already he is giving me ideas for how to develop my future poetry recordings, enabling me to see his ability to potentially shape a vision of independent music firsthand.

Here is the production sheet/playlist he sent me:

The Falling Room - February 5, 2010


0 Minutes:

Steve Hansen Smyth - Internet Release - SUNDAYALYSIS - Independent - X 5:16 - TK 16

Elaine May Bowling - Internet Release - EAT MY WORDS - Independent - X 1:54 - TK 6

Brenda Clews - Internet Release - MARCH 4, 2005 - Independent - X 1:29 - TK 3

Indian in the Machine - Internet Release - TRIP ON MY FLUTES - Independent - X 7:25 - TK 3

Omni toner - Internet Release - GHOST DANCE - Independent - 2:39 - TK 3

20 Minutes:

Phenotypo - Internet Release - THE # 3825, PLEASE RECEIVE A MESSAGE - 7:46 - TK 6

30 Minutes:

Mickey Zero - Alphabetical Orders NAMES LIKE, SONGS LIKE Mickey Cohen - 3:30 - TK 4

Earth 2 - Internet Release - EUROPA SIRENS - Independent - 4:13 - TK 4

40 Minutes:

Tom Parsons - AZURE SPARKLE ON THE WATER - Parsongs - 4:40 - TK 1

Salatus Train - MYSTERY RAIL COACH - Independent - 5:30 - TK 7

Anahata - Internet Release - HEMI SYNC BRAIN WAVES - Independent - 9:32 - TK 4

60 Minutes

Note: Salatus-Poland, Mickey Zero (France), Phenotypo (Japan), Omnitoner, Earth 2, Tom Parsons, Anahata (USA)

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Joe Halder's radio show: The Falling Room

This request is so well written, and his show so interesting, a paean to experimental sound artists, that I copy in as is. I'd like to promote and support Joe Halder's show on a community radio station, CFBU, at Brock University in Saint Catharine's in Ontario. He writes:

Thank you for your reply and permission to play your music/poetry. Here are some facts about the show;

-the name of the program is “The Falling Room”

-“The Falling Room” is a 1 hour show
-“The Falling Room” will broadcast live on Fridays at 8:00PM (EST)
-the Friday live broadcast will also be recorded and re-broadcast on Tuesdays at 12:00AM (the rebroadcast time may change but the live airing will remain a constant)
-you can visit the radio stations website, at  and click under “program schedule” at the very top of the web page, to view when “The Falling Room” is scheduled to be broadcast
-listeners may choose to hear the show live through the website. There is a “listen online” link at the top of the page. Depending on where you live, you will have to figure out what 8:00PM or 12:00AM is in your time zone.
As the host of “The Falling Room” I have been on air since April 2009, broadcasting every Friday and Tuesday.
The focus of “The Falling Room” is to feature primarily independent artists who produce experimental, minimalist, ambient, spoken word and avant garde music that falls completely outside the mainstream of commercial music and radio. Since April 2009 I have featured over 70 independent artists that fit the format of the show.
On occasion I have aired more well known artists such as Brian Eno, Pat Methany, Steve Reich, Terry Riley, Tangerine Dream, Laurie Anderson, Jean Michel Jarre, The Golden Palominos and Michael Oldfield.
Thanks for unlocking your material on Soundclick, I will begin to download your works and listen to them for potential future broadcast.
To give Artists an idea of the show’s format, I encourage them to listen online at on Fridays at 8:00PM. I also have a sampler disk which I can mail out featuring some of the past Soundclick artists that have been featured as well as more well known artists.
Here is the contents of “The Falling Room” Sampler Disk
Album: The Falling Room Sampler
Artist: Various
Label: Self Release-Independent

Artist                                        Song

1.   Cometa *                            The Secret Life of a Butcher 1
2.   Omnitoner*                         Ravin Angels
3.   Indian in the Machine *       This Song May Put You In
                                                a Trance
4.   Cometa *                            Light Spiral
5.   Tanakh                               November Tree
6.   Rain Tree Crow                   Blackwater
7.   Richard Truhlar                  From the Imaginary Music
8.   Michael Chocholak             Tom Badger
9.   Tanakh                               Gently Johnny
10. Indian in the Machine*        First Contact & The Second Coming
11. Omintoner*                         Ghost Dance
12. Phenotypo*             Number 3825 Please Receive
13. DRT*                                   Windoh
* Soundclick Artist

In response to your question about letting you know when I broadcast your material, I will email to you in advance the production sheet (playlist) for the show which will include your work. In addition, if you would like a copy of the show in which you are featured I can burn it to disk and send it to you. I have included the production sheet for December 18, 2009 show, as a sample.
Lastly, if you have any friends or acquaintances who are artists whose material might fit the format of the show please ask them to check out my webpage at
Thanks again.

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