More TTC Subway sketches
%634 %UTC, %2018, %0:%Feb %ZBrenda ClewsSaturday Morning Pet Sketches
%658 %UTC, %2018, %0:%Feb %Z
Saturday morning sketches with a rather crude ink pen that resisted the Strathmore 80lb drawing paper, and required digging the nib in, and losing finesse of line. Drawing with it is like hacking away at the paper. But my babies don't mind, and they sweetly slept.
And this little charcoal sketch of Aria, maybe Jan 2018. It's black and white charcoal only. She moved before I drew the back of her head, and so that is a bit awkward.
Charcoal is much easier, for sure. Just not sure it is the look I am after.
Brenda ClewsHappy Lupercalia! Uh, Valentines!
%508 %UTC, %2018, %0:%Feb %Z
So St Valentine, who was potentially one of three martyrs, was beheaded. How did he become a patron saint of love? All three men lived during the 3rd century: two lived in Italy, Saint Valentine of Rome and Saint Valentine of Terni, while the third resided in a Roman province in North Africa. It doesn't matter which one we celebrate since the festival the Christian Valentine's appropriated was the Roman feast Lupercalia, a pagan fertility festival. In one of the rites, naked men raced wearing goat skins while women stood at various places along the course. Children, along the route of naked men racing from wolves in their goat skins, would choose to pair couples, who had to live together and be intimate for a year afterwards. Blame Chaucer and Shakespeare for the romanticization of Valentines, and American commercialism for the sugar-sweet cutesy heart cards with little Valentines and their arrows. Lupercalia reigns, and don't forget! Be wolves today.
Brenda Clews