from the Suite of Botticelli Venus Poems
%559 %UTC, %2010, %0:%May %ZBotticelli, Jamendo, poetry recording to music, Venusdirect link:
from the Suite of Botticelli Venus Poems
This poem is now available at Jamendo, with better sound than SoundClick, and you may download it if you wish. Later on, I will be offering a reading of this abridged version of my
Suite of Botticelli Venus Poems with another musician.
Brenda ClewsRemembered
%853 %UTC, %2008, %0:%Jul %ZBotticelli, Botticelli's art, fin de siecle, Lighbrown's biography of Botticelli, Vasari's Lives of the ArtistsIs my art confident? Intensely meditated? Is how deeply I love what will be remembered about me?
Strange questions
Lightbrown brings to his biography of Botticelli, who was only remembered by Vasari's
Lives of the Artists in what was otherwise five centuries of obscurity.
How odd that it was his paganism which appealed to the
fin de siècle who brought his work from the shadows of history.
The barest outline of a life.
Botticelli is his art.
Brenda Clews